국립부경대학교 | 양식응용생명과학전공


미세조류생물학 연구실소개

미세조류는 생태계에서 기초생산자로서 역할을 하는 중요한 생물군이며, 탄수화물, 단백질, 지질과 같은 다양한 생리활성 물질을 포함하고 있어서 해양바이오산업(바이오연료, 화장품, 건강식품, 의약품 생산)에 활용되는 중요한 생명자원이다. 미세조류생물학 연구실은 이런 미세조류의 분류, 생리/생태 연구와 함께, 대량 배양기술 개발 연구, 유용물질 생산/실용화 연구를 수행하고 있으며, 해수부 지정 해양식물플랑크톤 기탁등록보존기관을 운영하고 있다. 그리고, 기후변화로 인해 나타나는 해양환경 변화에 저차영양단계 생물군의 반응 연구, 한국연안의 유해 조류의 대발생(Harmful Algal Bloom)과 마비성 패류독소(Paralytic Shellfish Toxin)발생에 관한 연구 등을 수행하고 있다.


신현호 교수

주소   (48513) 부산광역시 남구 용소로 45 부경대학교 수산과학대학 수산생명과학부 양식응용생명과학전공
이메일  shh961121@pknu.ac.kr
전화번호  051-629-5914
연구업적 (2020년-2024년)

1. Jiang, Y., Shin, H.H., Park, B.S., Li, Z. 2024. Potential siderophore-dependent mutualism in the harmful dinoflagellate Alexandrium pacificum (Group IV) and bacterium Photobacterium sp. TY1-4 under iron-limited conditions. Harmful Algae 139, 102726.


2. Shin, H.H.(1저자 및 교신저자), Li, Z., Mertens, K.N., Yoo, Y.D., Youn, J.Y., Lee, M., Gu, H., 2024. Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Gonyaulax kunsanensis sp. nov. (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) from Korean coastal waters. Botanica Marina 67, 385-400.


3. Gu, Haifeng, Zheng, J., Huang, S., Morquecho, L., Shin, H.H., Derrien, A., Mertens, K.N., 2024. A new dinoflagellate Gonyaulax pospelovana with resting cysts resembling Spiniferites delicatus and its biogeography and ecology revealed by DNA metabarcoding. Phycologia 63, 74-88.


4. Kang, S.M., Shin, H.H.(교신저자), Li Z., 2024. The discovery and characterization of a novel microalgal strain, Picochlorum sp. KCTC AG61293, with potential for α-Linolenic acid production. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 12, 245


5. Shin, H.H.(1저자 및 교신저자), Li, Z., Reveillon, D., Savar, V., Hess, P., Mertens, K.N., Youn, J.Y., Shin, K., Lee, J.H., Shin, A.Y., Byun, E., Yoo, Y.D., Son, M.H., Lee, M., Seo, M.H., 2024. Toxic dinoflagellate Centrodinium punctatum (Cleve) F.J.R. Taylor: An examination on the responses in growth and toxin contents to drastic changes of temperature and salinity. Harmful Algae 131, 102559.


6. Raju, C. V., Ready, Y.V.M., Cho, C.H., Shin, H.H., Park, T.J., Park, J.P., 2023. Highly sensitive electrochemical peptide-based biosensor for marine biotoxin detection using a bimetallic platinum and ruthenium nanoparticle-tethered metalorganic framework modified electrode. Food Chemistry 428, 136811.


7. Shin, H.H.(1저자 및 교신저자), Son, M.H., Park, B.S., Han, K.H., Youn, J.Y., Kwak, K.Y., Lee, J.H., Shin, A.Y., Byun, E., Yoo. Y.D., Seo, M.H., Shin, K., Li, Z., 2023. Bloom development of toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella (Group I) in Jinhae-Masan Bay, Korea: Germination strategy of resting cysts in relation to temperature and salinity. Marine Pollution Bulletin 191, 114995.


8. Kim, H.J., Li, Z., Gu, H., Mertens, K.N., Youn, J.Y., Kwak, K.Y., Oh, S.J., Shin, K., Yoo, Y.D., Lee, W.C., Shin, H.H.(교신저자). 2023. Gonyaulax geomunensis sp. nov. and two allied species (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) from Korean coastal waters and East China Sea: Morphology, phylogeny and growth response to changes in temperature and salinity. Phycologia 48-67.


9. Gu, H.,, Mertens, K.N., Derrien, A., Bilien, G., Li, Z., Hess, P., Sechet, V., Krock, B., Amorim, A., Li, Z., Pospelova, V., Smith, K.F., MacKenzie, L., Yoon, J.Y., Kim, H.J., Shin, H.H.(교신저자), 2022. Unraveling the Gonyaulax baltica Species complex: Cysttheca relationship of Impagidinium variaseptum, Spiniferites pseudodelicatus sp. nov. and S. ristingensis (Gonyaulacaceae, Dinophyceae), with descriptions of Gonyaulax bohaiensis sp. nov, G. amoyensis sp. nov. and G. portimonensis sp. nov. Journal of Phycology 58, 465-486.


10. Kim, H.S., Kim, M.S., Park, W.K., Yang, W.G., Nayak, M., Shin, H.H.(교신저자), Cho, K., Kim, D., Oda, T., 2022. Microalgae as an effective recovery agent for vanadium in aquatic environment. Energies 15, 4467.


11. Jiang,Y., Peng, Y., Shin, H.H., Kim, H.J., Kim, K.H., Jiang, L., Lee, J., Li, Z., 2022. Gymnodinialimonas ceratoperidinii gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from rare marine dinoflagellate Ceratoperidinium margalefii. Archives of Microbiology 204, 185.


12. Shin, H.H.,(1저자 및 교신저자), Li, Z., Kim, H.J., Park, B.S., Lee, J., Shin, A.Y., Park, T.G., Lee, K.W., Han, K.H., Youn, J.Y., Kwak, K.Y., Seo, M.H., Kim, D., Son, M.H., Kim, D.J., Shin, K., Lim, W.A. 2021. Alexandrium catenella (Group I) and A. pacificum (Group IV) cyst germination, distribution, and toxicity in Jinhae-Masan Bay, Korea. Harmful Algae 110, 102122.


13. Han, J., Park, Y., Shin, H.H., Shin, A.Y., Kang, H.M., Lee, J., Choi, Y.U., Lee, K.W., 2021. Effects of dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum on swimming behavior and expression of heat shock protein (hsp) genes in the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana. Harmful Algae 110, 102146.


14. Jiang,Y. Jiang, L., Peng, Y., Kim, K.H., Shin, H.H., Kim, Y.M., Lee, J., Li, Z., 2021. Flagellatimonas centrodinii gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the family Nevskiaceae isolated from toxin-producing dinoflagellate Centrodinium punctatum. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71, 005084.


15. Li, Z., Park, J.S., Kang, N.S., Chomerat, N., Mertens, K.N., Gu, H., Lee, K.W., Kim, K.H., Baek, S.H., Shin, K., Han, K.H., Son, M.H., Shin, H.H.(교신저자), 2021. A new potentially toxic dinoflagellate Fukuyoa koreansis sp. nov. (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) from Korean coastal waters: Morphology, phylogeny, and effects of temperature and salinity on growth. Harmful Algae 109, 102107.


16. Han, J., Park, J.S., Lee, J., Park, Y., Shin, H.H., Choi, Y.U., Lee, K.W. 2021. Effects of toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum on the expression of detoxification-related genes in the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicus/ Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology. 540, 151563.


17. Park, J.S., Li, Z., Kim, H.J., Kim, K.H., Lee, K.W., Youn, J.Y., Kwak, K.Y., Shin, H.H. (교신저자), 2021. First report of the marine benthic dinoflagellate Bysmatrum subsalsum from Korean tidal pools. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 9, 649.


18. Kim, H.J., Li, Z., Kang, N.S., Gu, H., Kim, D., Seo, M.H., Lee, S.D., Yun, S.M., Oh, S.J., Shin, H.H.(교신저자), 2021. Morphology and phylogeny of Scrippsiella precaria Montresor & Zingone (Thoracosphaerales, Dinophyceae) from Korean coastal waters. Journal of marine science and engineering 9, 154.


19. Han, J., Park, J.S., Park, Y., Lee, J., Shin, H.H., Lee, K.W,. 2021. Effects of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxin-producing dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum on the marine copepod Tigriopus japonicus. Marine pollution bulletin 163, 111937.



20. Shin, H.H.(1저자 및 교신저자), Li, Z., Reveillon, D., Rovillon, G.A., Mertens, K.N., Hess, P., Kim, H.J., Lee, J., Lee, K.W., Kim, D., Park, B.S., Hwang, J.I., Seo, M.H., Lim. W.A., 2020. Centrodinium punctatum (Dinophyceae) produces significant levels of saxitoxin and related analogs. Harmful Algae 100, 101923.


21. Hu, Z., Li, Z., Deng, Y., Iwataki, M., Luo, Z., Wang, J., Sun, Y., Zhao, Z., Gu, H., Shin, H.H.(교신저자), Tang, Y.Z. 2020. Morphology, ultrastructure, and molecular phylogeny of the unarmoured dinoflagellate Kirithra sigma sp. nov. (Ceratoperidiniaceae, Dinophyceae). Phycologia 29, 385-396.


22. Li, Z., Mertens, K.N., Gottschling, M., Gu, H., Sohner, S., Price, A.M., Marret, F., Pospelova, V., Smith, K.F., Carbonell-Moore, C., Nezan, E., Bilien, G., Shin, H.H.,(교신저자). 2020. Taxonomy and molecular phylogenetics of Ensiculiferaceae, fam. nov. (Peridiniales, Dinophyceae), with consideration of their Life-history. Protist 171, 125759


23. Mertens, K.N., Gu, H., Gurdebeke, P.R., Takano, Y., CLarke, D., Aydin, H., Li, Z., Pospelova, V., Shin, H.H., Li, Z., Matsuoka, K., Head, M.J., 2020. A review of rare, poorly known, and morphologically problematic extant marine organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst taxa of the orders Gymnodiniales and Peridiniales from the northern hemisphere. Marine Micropaleontology 159, 101773.


24. Han, K.H., Kim, H.J., Li, Z., Youn, J.Y., Kwak, K.Y., Seo, M.H., Hwang, J., Lee, S.D., Yun, S.M., Oh, S.J., Park, J.W., Lim, A.W., Shin, H.H.(교신저자), 2020. Effects of different nutrient and trace metal concentrations on growth of the toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum isolated from Korean coastal waters. Sustainability 12, 4992


25. Li, Z., Matsuoka, K. Shin, H.H. (교신저자). 2020. Revision of the life cycle of the harmful dinoflagellate Margalefidinium polykrikoides (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) based on isolates from Korean coastal waters. Journal of applied phycology 32, 1863-1873.


26. Zhang, W., Mertens, K.N., Derrien, A., Pospelova, V., Carbonell-Moore, M.C., Bagheri, S., Matsuoka, K., Shin, H.H.(교신저자), Gu, H., 2020. Reclassification of Gonyaulax verior (Gonyaulacales, Dinophyceae) as Sourniaea diacantha gen. et comb. nov. Phycologia 59, 246-260.


27. Shin, H.H.(1저자 및 교신저자), Li, Z., Matsuoka, K., 2020. Reclassification of Gyrodinium flavescens Kofoid & Swezy as Torquentidium flavescens comb. nov. (Ceratoperidiniaceae, Dinophyceae), based on morphology and phylogeny. Phycologia 59, 133-139.

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