- 연구실소개
유전자원학 연구실은 2002년 3월 처음 수산과학대학 양식학과내 신설된 연구실로서 인류 최대의 생물다양성을 보유하고 있는 수.해양 생물의 유전자 자원을 발굴하고 이를 통해 신규 고부가가치를 창출하기 위한 연구를 수행하고 있다. 이미 육상 자원의 부족분 등으로 인해 많은 국가들은 수.해양을 차세대 생명공학 경쟁의 장으로 여기고 있으며, 특히 전세계는 생물주권, 신규 품종 확보 등 유전자원 경쟁 시대에 돌입하고 있다. 또한 생물다양성 보전은 미래 인류 복지를 위한 절대 명제가 되었고, 이에 유전자원의 발굴과 관리는 각국의 지속적 성장을 위한 중용한 키워드가 되고 있다. 이에 본 연구실은 수.해양 생물로부터 특수 기능 유전자 및 고부가가치 유전자들을 발굴하고 이를 기반으로 한 생명공학적 이용기술 개발에 주력하고 있으며, 또한 우리나라 한반도 수.해양 생물에 대한 유전자 은행 및 banking 을 함께 수행하고 있다.
남윤권 교수
주소 (48513) 부산광역시 남구 용소로 45 부경대학교 수산과학대학 수산생명과학부 양식응용생명과학전공
이메일 yoonknam@pknu.ac.kr
전화번호 051-629-5918
- 연구업적
- Cho YS, Lee SY, Bang IC, Kim DS, Nam YK (2009) Genomic organization and mRNA expression of manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) from Hemibarbus mylodon (Teleostei, Cypriniformes). Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 27: 571-576.
- Cho YS, Lee SY, Kim KY, Nam YK (2009) Two metallothioneins from mud loach Misgurnus mizolepis (Teleostei: Cypriniformes): gene structure, tandem genomic organization and mRNA expression analysis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 153: 317-326
- Kim KY, Cho YS, Bang IC, Nam YK (2009) Isolation and characterization of the apolipoprotein multigene family in Hemibarbus mylodon (Teleostei: Cypriniformes). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 152: 38-46
- Cho YS, Lee SY, Kim KH, Kim SK, Kim DS, Nam YK (2009) Gene structure and differential modulation of multiple rockbream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) hepcidin isoforms resulting from different biological stimulations. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 33: 46-58
- Nam YK, Maclean N, Hwang GR, Kim DS (2008) Autotransgenic and allotransgenic manipulation of growth for farmed fish ? a review. Journal of Fish Biology 72: 1-26
- Kim KY, Lee SY, Cho YS, Bang IC, Kim DS, Nam YK (2008) Characterization and phylogeny of two β-cytoskeletal actins from Hemibarbus mylodon (Cyprinidae, Cypriniformes), a threatened fish species in Korea. DNA Sequence 19: 87-97
- Cho YS, Lee SY, Kim KY, Bang IC, Kim DS, Nam YK (2008) Gene structure and expression of metallothionein during metal exposures in Hemibarbus mylodon. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71: 125-137
- Cho YS, Lee SY, Kim KH, Nam YK (2008) Differential regulations of two glyceraldehydes 3-phosphate dehydrogenase mRNAs in response to bacterial and viral challenges in a marine teleost Oplegnathus fasciatus (Perciformes). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 25: 472-476.
- Kim KY, Lee SY, Bang IC, Nam YK (2008) Complete mitogenome sequence of an endangered freshwater fish, Iksookimia choii (Teleostei; Cypriniformes; Cobitidae). Mitochondrial DNA 19: 483-445
- Cho YS, Douglas SE, Gallant JW, Kim KY, Kim DS, Nam YK (2007) Isolation and characterization of L-GULO, a key enzyme for biosynthesis of ascorbic acid, from extant primitive fish group. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B 147: 178-190
- Kim KY, Lee SY, Cho YS, Bang IC, Kim KH, Kim DS, Nam YK (2007) Molecular characterization and mRNA expression during metal exposure and thermal stress of copper/zinc- and manganese- superoxide dismutases in disk abalone, Haliotis discus discus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 23: 1043-1059.
- Kim CS, Kosuke Z, Nam YK, Kim SK, Kim KH (2007) Protection of shrimp (Penaeus chinensis) against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) challenge by double-stranded RNA. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 23: 242-246
- Kim, YI, Ha YM, Ahn SJ, Nam YK, Kim KH, Kim SK (2007) Production and characterization of polyclonal antibody against recombinant ORF 049L of rock bream (Oplegnathus fasciatus) iridovirus. Process Biochemistry 42: 134-140
- Kim MS, Cho SH, Lee EH, Nam YK, SK Kim, Kim KH (2007) Alpha-enolase, a plasmin(ogen) binding and cell wall associating protein from a fish pathogenic Streptococcus iniae strain. Aquaculture 265: 55-60
- Cho YS, Choi BN, Kim KH, Kim SK, Kim DS, Bang IC, Nam, YK (2006) Differential expression of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase mRNA during exposures to heavy metals in rockbream (Oplegnathus fasciatus). Aquaculture 253: 667-679
- Nam YK, Cho YS, Kim KY, Bang IC, Kim KH, Kim SK, Kim DS (2006) Characterization of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase from a cartilagenous shark species Scyliorhinus torazame (Carcharhiniformes). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 32: 305-315.
- Choi SK, Kwon SR, Nam YK, Kim SK, Kim KH (2006) Organ distribution of red sea bream iridovirus DNA in asymptomatic yearling and fingerling rock bream and effects of water temperature on transition of RSIV into acute phase. Aquaculture 256: 23-26
- Kim SM, Lee EH, Kwon SR, Lee SJ, Kim SK, Nam YK, Kim KH (2006) Preliminary analysis of recombinant β-tubulin of Pseudocohnilembus persalinus (Ciliophora: Scuticociliatida) as a vaccine antigen candidate against scuticociliatosis. Aquaculture 260: 21-26.
- Kwon SR, Nam YK, Kim SK, Kim KH (2006) Protection of tilapia (Oreochromis mosambicus) from edwardsiellosis by vaccination with Edwardsiella tarda ghosts. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 20: 621-626.
- Park IS, Nam YK, Kim DS (2006) Growth performance, morphometric traits and gonad development of induced reciprocal diploid and triploid hybrids between mud loach (Misgurnus mizolepis) and cyprinid loach (M. anguillicaudataus). Aquaculture Research 37: 1246-1253.
- 연구실인원